CAPITALISM: Did you know auditors play a critical role in safeguarding our financial system? But guess what? They're not always up to snuff when it comes to holding companies accountable, especially concerning climate change.

Fossil fuel companies repeatedly flout environmental laws, hiding their noncompliance from auditors' scrutiny, despite the increasing spotlight on their environmental and human rights violations.

Auditors have fallen short in their duty to protect investors and the public writ large, allowing corporate misconduct to persist unchecked. We need them to serve as public watchdogs to ensure corporations are following the law and not committing financial fraud.

That’s why we need your help! Please take a moment and support this proposal to ensure auditors do their job to hold corporate America accountable.


The auditors’ regulator – the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) – introduced a proposal to switch auditors from passive rubber stampers to vigilant public watchdogs.

But here's the kicker: auditors don’t want to be held to higher standards and are trying to roll back this proposal. This will have detrimental effects on greenwashing, new pipelines, and LNG terminals.

Take action now to demand auditors ensure accountability and transparency!

Auditors have a huge responsibility, and their actions affect us all. We've seen the consequences of unchecked corporate behavior before, and we can't afford to let history repeat itself.