IMMIGRATION:  Right now, lawmakers are negotiating a spending deal to fund the government for fiscal year 2024 and send additional military funding to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. Immigration and border security have emerged as critical wedge issues in this debate, and the U.S. asylum system is threatened once again.

Your voice is needed to ensure that members of Congress don’t cause harm by making it harder for people fleeing persecution to seek safety in the United States.

Asylum seekers and their families should never be used as political pawns. We know that violent conflict is a major driver of forced migration worldwide. That makes congressional attempts to trade asylum protections for additional war funding all the more troublesome.

Congress must reject extreme, anti-immigrant provisions that would harm people fleeing violence and persecution. It’s an obligation under international human rights law. Instead, lawmakers should work to advance humane solutions for migration management by funding welcome services for new arrivals and a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

One of our greatest moral callings is to seek justice and protect the vulnerable. Please urge Congress to reject extreme, anti-immigrant measures and hold fair negotiations.

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